I just got this bike about 3 weeks ago, a 1978 CB 750A. It had been kind of neglected for a while and then recently had some love poured into it, but still has a few issues. I have to keep the choke on nearly all the time, and especially when accelerating from a stop. The idle will also surge high when it's warm.
In this picture, the hose behind the fuel line, is that a vacuum hose? It doesn't lead anywhere, it's just open at the other end, which is only sightly out of view. Also, on the end of that first carb., in the 8 o'clock position, is that an open vacuum port?
I should plug these, yes? I don't happen to have any golf tees.

In the next photo, what on earth is this little linkage(?)-type apparatus which appears to be...not...connected to anything?
