Hi all I have a 1972/1973 CB 750 , the P.O. did not take great care of them, the 72 has a blowen motor and a really bad atemped at a hardtail on it someone welded the swaybar to the frame and tryed to build pipe up from that. Dont think it would ever be fixed so that has become my parts bike. the 73 runs but really bad wiring and almost no maintenance has been done to it ever. I have rewired it change the oil new plug and now
it starts and i can ride it. I have put over 500 miles on it so far . I have just installed forwad controls on the and now thinking of buying a hardtail kit from TC Bros. My question is about the oil tank if and when i chop up the frame where can i get a prefab oil tank that will work with the 1/2 inch oil lines?
Have seen the addapters to reduce but dont know if thats a good idea. i do have 2 of the stock oil tanks but not sure i have the skills to build one for the bike . any one have any ideas what to buy or even any planson how to build one. looking forward to any and all advice.