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You know. Being in Chicago, you should look up Anders Carlson. Really cool guy. If, you do please buy him a beer, for me. http://anders-carlson.com/ He is also one of my flakebook friends.
P.S. My bad. I was thinking, you were in Chicago, but it is Half-calf.
Life is not about the number of breaths, you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
I don't have an anger problem. I have an idiot problem. Hank Hill
Never confuse education for intelligence.
Happiness is a belt fed weapon.
I just can't imagine what could go wrong.
No fire? No explosions? So whats the point of your story?
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato
It couldn't be done, but the darn fool didn't know it, and did it anyway.
We all got problems. Ksharp
I like vintage bikes because they take me away from the clutter of technology that I work with everyday and back to a simpler time of mechanical elegance and simplicity.. "ninadm"
Darkwing Duck: The worst part of public transportation is the Public.
"That is awesome shit there" Re-Run
"Fear nothing, attack everything" Eric Berry
" Oh, you read that on the internet? Clearly it IS a massive problem. Of course it CAN’t be normal operation."
1976 CB 750-A X 2
1977 CB 750-A X 4
1977 CB 750-K
1976 CB 750 F
1981 CB 750
1966 Kawasaki SG 250
1981 KZ 750 LTD
1973 CB 350
1979 CM 185 Twinstar
1982 Honda XL 80
South of Eden (Kansas City MO)
  I ordered this Original Bonneville seat to make a seat like is shown at the top. not exactly but similar anyway. I think it's a prefect donor, and for 20 bucks +shipping that's a decent deal. I'm excited.
 THESE ARE THE TIRES I WANT!!! where can I get them? wgat are they called.. I know one of yinz knows!!
Looks like you will be building a new seat pan? I checked into it, several years ago. Found an online article showing how to build a seat pan using fiberglass & resin. It was a custom seat making company that created the how-to article -- don't remember who, anymore, but you should be able to Google it, if you need it. Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
I was going to use wood as the pan.
I know its a little heavy, but with all the other stuff that I am removing or replacing will bring the weight down more then enough for me to use it.
then it's be real easy for me to staple the folds under, then put a under cover over them to seal it from water.
I am also planning on using memory foam for the cushion. So I can have the seat be real thin and retain some comfort. I figure I'll just demo a pillow for the material.
 Here is a better shot of the tires so yinz can diagnose them easier
Thats a good deal you got.It would cost that much in material if you made it yourself.I have some left over foam from where i just finished my seat if you want it.It's 10"x29",but it not very dense and is only 1"thick.Towels make for good seat padding.I have used it before in my race car.It holds up better than foam and is actually pretty comfy.Only reason i didnt use towels on my seat is because its hard to stack up 2" high.
Those gauges look great. I am also pretty sure those tires are Firestones. I am also sure they are a 4.50 tire.
Life is not about the number of breaths, you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
I don't have an anger problem. I have an idiot problem. Hank Hill
Never confuse education for intelligence.
Happiness is a belt fed weapon.
I just can't imagine what could go wrong.
No fire? No explosions? So whats the point of your story?
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato
It couldn't be done, but the darn fool didn't know it, and did it anyway.
We all got problems. Ksharp
I like vintage bikes because they take me away from the clutter of technology that I work with everyday and back to a simpler time of mechanical elegance and simplicity.. "ninadm"
Darkwing Duck: The worst part of public transportation is the Public.
"That is awesome shit there" Re-Run
"Fear nothing, attack everything" Eric Berry
" Oh, you read that on the internet? Clearly it IS a massive problem. Of course it CAN’t be normal operation."
1976 CB 750-A X 2
1977 CB 750-A X 4
1977 CB 750-K
1976 CB 750 F
1981 CB 750
1966 Kawasaki SG 250
1981 KZ 750 LTD
1973 CB 350
1979 CM 185 Twinstar
1982 Honda XL 80
South of Eden (Kansas City MO)
Big, fat, and wide.  The tire size would be 4.50X18, or 17 rear, and 4.00, or 4.50X19 front.
Life is not about the number of breaths, you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
I don't have an anger problem. I have an idiot problem. Hank Hill
Never confuse education for intelligence.
Happiness is a belt fed weapon.
I just can't imagine what could go wrong.
No fire? No explosions? So whats the point of your story?
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato
It couldn't be done, but the darn fool didn't know it, and did it anyway.
We all got problems. Ksharp
I like vintage bikes because they take me away from the clutter of technology that I work with everyday and back to a simpler time of mechanical elegance and simplicity.. "ninadm"
Darkwing Duck: The worst part of public transportation is the Public.
"That is awesome shit there" Re-Run
"Fear nothing, attack everything" Eric Berry
" Oh, you read that on the internet? Clearly it IS a massive problem. Of course it CAN’t be normal operation."
1976 CB 750-A X 2
1977 CB 750-A X 4
1977 CB 750-K
1976 CB 750 F
1981 CB 750
1966 Kawasaki SG 250
1981 KZ 750 LTD
1973 CB 350
1979 CM 185 Twinstar
1982 Honda XL 80
South of Eden (Kansas City MO)
good shit thats exactly what I want. Big fat and matching the rear.
There are gauge decals available on e-Bay, for pre-1979 CB's. If you are interested, do a search there. They were available, a couple of years ago, in white, and black, backgrounds. Don't remember details, but they were peel-and-stick decals, looked great. I was interested, but they were only available for bikes older than mine. Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
I put a set of the gauge decals on mine that he is talking about.If you go that route you will wreck the paint on your gauges.Im sure you could paint them again.Shipping and all cost me right at $25.One draw back.They are pretty dark at night.Unpleasant discovery nobody warns you of.At least mine were.
Yea. I seen them around, I actually designed a few diferent sets of them, I figured I could print them on some gloss card stock and cut them out and glue them in place. They are on my work computer, I'll post them next tuesday, I have off till then. Staycation.
What i didnt realize about the factory gauges is that the numbers and tick marks are semi-transparent.When you put something over them the only light you get is what reflects around the edges,and thats not much.Something to think about.Its deer infested around here,so im not planning on much night riding anyway
I got the forks out today, they were in there. I had to pound them out with a small sledge hammer, and there was corrosion all over the top, under the headlight ears, SO i began sanding them down,
 As you can see left to right, there is a lot of corrosion, but suprisingly, where the boot covers and the fork slips in and out, is not pitted or rusted at all, the seals seem to be just fine. And the one gator was filled with water, presumably for years. It's amazing that the seals are ok.
So I'll sand em and paint em, And be one step closer to reconstruction.
I would go on, and replace the seals since, you have them off. They are only around $12.00, and very easy to install.
Life is not about the number of breaths, you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
I don't have an anger problem. I have an idiot problem. Hank Hill
Never confuse education for intelligence.
Happiness is a belt fed weapon.
I just can't imagine what could go wrong.
No fire? No explosions? So whats the point of your story?
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato
It couldn't be done, but the darn fool didn't know it, and did it anyway.
We all got problems. Ksharp
I like vintage bikes because they take me away from the clutter of technology that I work with everyday and back to a simpler time of mechanical elegance and simplicity.. "ninadm"
Darkwing Duck: The worst part of public transportation is the Public.
"That is awesome shit there" Re-Run
"Fear nothing, attack everything" Eric Berry
" Oh, you read that on the internet? Clearly it IS a massive problem. Of course it CAN’t be normal operation."
1976 CB 750-A X 2
1977 CB 750-A X 4
1977 CB 750-K
1976 CB 750 F
1981 CB 750
1966 Kawasaki SG 250
1981 KZ 750 LTD
1973 CB 350
1979 CM 185 Twinstar
1982 Honda XL 80
South of Eden (Kansas City MO)
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