Thanks for the warm welcome, compliments and web site. Much appreciated!!

Bought this CB back in 1990. First owner bought it and a CB550 for his son. Put 8K on it and parked it (them) for 10 years or so. Probably owned 10 of these (73 thru 76) in my younger years. Always liked them. This was a good find. Only issue was when he pulled it out of storage, he put gas in it and tried to get it running without cleaning the carbs. Blued the pipes a bit..

Built this one about 10 years ago. Again, Had one one these back in 78. Went thru AMI in Daytona in 78. Drove down in a Toyota pickup with a CB750, CB350 and 74 CR125 Elsinore to keep me happy while going thru school. Traded them while I was there for a 1970 Triumph 650 and a pan shovel. Liked it but didn't really love it back then. Traded it for a 69 Roadrunner. Kicking myself for selling the roadrunner (Factory Dana 410 posi, 4 speed, 383 magnum, Holly & headers). Couldn't take it to college....
Anyway, built this one right. Complete overhaul, installed S&S high flow oil pump, Mallory electronic ignition, cycle electric generator, open primary, foot clutch & hand shift. Took me a little bit to cork up a tranny leak with a Jim's Super seal but since then it usually starts on first kick and doesn't leak ANY oil! I do really like this one and ride this and the Honda about equally.
Since you asked and I'm not to proud or paranoid to share..

Here's my 74 Kaw 750 H2. Almost embarrassed to say I've owned this since the late seventies and haven't done a thing to it (besides collecting the parts need to get it going). What can I say. Kids, family and work, quads and dirt bikes got in the way? Not really. Took my Triumph down a few years ago (powder coat, chrome, etc.) and it's been my focus lately. Hope to have it on the road this year.

Pic taken in late 70's

After frame powder coat a couples years ago.. Really sad not to have this one back on the road. Many fond memories on it. It's probably my favorite. Goal is to get it on the road by the end of summer. Just took a bucket full of nuts, bolts, axle, and misc pieces to Burbank plating in CA to have them Cad plated. They did a pretty good job and I'd recommend them but I have been dealing with excess on some of the threads. Bought a 26TPI tap set, still need to purchase a matching die set..
Love the classics! Got my eye on a 73 Norton Commando!
1974 CB750 clean and original
1974 H2 Kaw
1961 Pan/Shovel
1970 Triumph 650