If you aren't getting from about 4.2. 5.0 ohms between the rings the rotor is bad. Perform the test with the rotor stone cold (motorcycle has not been run in about a full day) to be sure your readings are good. The stator yellow leads should have a resistance from yellow wire to yellow wire of around 6 ohms, give or take an ohm or so. Resistance from each or the 3 yellow and the single black and white wires to ground should have no continuity (sp) means infinite ohms meaning no connection whatsoever. If the rotor reads 1.0 ohms or so it's gone, replace it. If the stator doesn't test as described, replace it. For those of us who are already poor from replacing components on our CB750Ks it's easy to tell you to take the same route to the 'poor house', Good luck.