I had a problem near the end of my building process just as i was about to install the gas tank and seat.
The gas tank liner I had installed (Kreem) was coming off in big flakes.
I had used Kreem 4 times before with no problems. This time on this tank the Kreem did not look right or act right when I used it. I tried to put another layer over the top and it did look right and seemed to be fine but that first layer that did not look right caused the liner to not adhere to the surface.

Well I had to get all of that Kreem liner out of my tank. what a job.
I used coat hangers scrapers ,sticks etc.,. Then I put acetone in the tank and let it sit for about 1 hour and it was taking off the liner but making it into a slime. I put sheet rock screws (a whole box) into the tank and shook it back and forth to try and scrub this acetone and Kreem liner off.
At one point I decided to fill the tank with water and then I thought I could just pour the hole mess out. WRONG. What happened was it sort of froze the clumps of Kreem liner with the sheet rock screws into clumps that I had to pull apart through the filer neck. It took hours.
After a couple of days I had most of the mess out and I found out a piece of heavy chain inside of the tank works better to knock the stuff off. And when you get done you just fish out the end of the chain with a magnet. It is easier that the sheet rock screws.
What would really be good is a piece of chain with mig weld spatters all over it ,so it is rough all over. that would really cleans it.
I am ready now for the new liner and I will be using Caswell brand two part epoxy. It is a clear yellowish
color but I bought some epoxy colorant to make it white. I asked Caswell about that and they said it would be ok. That is what I like about the KREEM was that it left a white glossy surface.
I am getting the epoxy colorant from TAP plastics. I will post a pic when finished.
The only problem with the KREEM was you have do two coats to get it to all be solid white and glossy.
I usually had used it on new steel tanks.
On a Roadstar Adventure.