Lucky 1 wrote
I like it!
Love that engine compartment. Simple as pie.

Sort of like a CB750.
Exactly,Lucky! This is the age of ''technology'' that I trust and why I love old iron. It might use a little more fuel,but they are actually very reliable and cost of ownership is nearly nothing. There's nothing on these old cars that can't be rebuilt with basic hand tools or just one or two special tools here and there.
Prof. Sees',it will be a daily driver of sorts. I've been wanting another old car to drive to keep miles off my truck. My normal daily driver (The Pimpala

)is still locked away in paint jail so the miles have really been racking up on the truck. Once the Pimp is back(it has A/C

) this will be my rain ride. Keep miles of the truck-dont have to drive the Pimp in the mud-take the Elky if it's raining/gf is with me/need to haul more than the bike will hold.
Sarge,you mentioned restored. I doubt this car will ever get a full on resto,but I will not let it rot away from neglect,either. I need a beater:something to drive and not worry about it getting scratched. I do take care of my stuff,but a resto is not in the cards. Not for several years,at least. Of course,I've been known to sprout a wild hair from time to time.

Thanks for the Congrats guys.

My absolute dream car of all time is a '59 Impala. Ahh,those things are art on wheels!
*moment of silent respect..............................*
But a '67 Elk with a '66 front end was too good to pass up!I'm totally stoked and cannot wait to see this thing motoring down the highway again. I have no budget or time allowed for this car that I can see right now,but it just always seems to work out someway or another.Who needs sleep...???? I'm really fighting the urge to slap one of my old spare big blocks in here,yet I know I really need to keep it civilized. But...I
am a horsepower junkie and knowing I've got a 550hp/600+tq,noisy-gear driven, 396 rat motor (well,408 now) lurking in the corner is killing me.