Thank you all for having me here. Im really excited on making this bike work and use her as my first timer. Im very open to suggestions comments and even critisism so SPIT IT OUT!!
Here we go.
1. Last summer by ex brother in law gave me this motorcycle for free. He brought it from Cali to Idaho where she have been laying in a barn for the last 10yrs. Now she is here in WA state :)

2. I started to work on her immediately. I clean her up, spray painted the tank but found out she is very rusted. So I am getting a new tank.

3. I met this cool kid who actually repair this old bikes. He did one himself and had help other people in the area with the basic mechanics of it. So he helped me out.
>>>> we change the oil, the spark plugs and rebuilded the carburators.

3. After the basic changes he place this little bottle of gas in the line and put some wires directly to his battery. We want to make sure the engine turns. So there is light on her but it didnt turn.

4. After looking around and checkin for possible electrical problems he found this....
This was last fall. He dissapeard on me. Never called back. Never finished the project.
I found a guy on craiglist who does fabrications. He came and saw the bike and he said he will help me get it running and sweet looking. next month I am getting a gas tank from also the spark units, rectifier, battery. Lets see what happens. I WIll keep you posted brothers.