Just came in from firing her up. Actually it went really well. I had it on the test bottle for fuel. Pulled the choke and hit the button... She fired right up, Exhaust is quiter than I expected, waited a minute and started pushing in the choke... Raise the idle speed screw... feel the pipes... All 4 warm!
Let her idle there a bit, cracked the throttle a tad and she responded. (I'm now getting excited) Pushed in the choke in half... adjusted the idle.... rumble, rumble rumble.... check all 4 pipes again, getting warmer evenly... NICE... Push the choke all the way in... smooth!!!
Twist the throttle
slightly a couple quick times....Rowl...Rowl... rumble, rumble, rumble. THERE'S the exaust tone I was expecting! (Hearts beating a hundred miles an hour) then give her a quick once-over no leaks, no knocks, no rattles... Whew.
By now the exhaust was starting to get really warm enough I was worried about its paints first heat up and shut her down to let it cool and cure the first session. Next time will be a bit longer.
Then carb #1 started dribbling in little spurts out the drain, checked the bowl drain screw and it was tight. I threw a rag under it and shut off the fuel bottle. Tapping it with a screwdriver handle wouldn't stop it. DAMN, gotta pull the bowl back off and recheck the float / needle / seat.
Good news is SHE RUNS, smoothly, and sounds GOOD! It's hitting all 4 and the carb that is pissing is one of the outboard units, easy to get to. All-in-all I am sporting wood hard enough to drive a nail !!!
81 Honda CB750C - Current Project
67 BSA Spitfire MkIII - Next Up (Full Resto)
81 Honda GL1100 - Bob / Cafe´
80 Suzuki GS750L - Bratstyle
72 Honda CB450K5 - Basket Case
73 Honda CB350F Cafe' (Gone but not forgotten)
Don't wait for opportunity to knock... kick the door down and drag the old harlot in!