A small side track. Yesterday I spent the better part of the day cleaning the shop, thanks in no small part to our member

See , I have been puzzled by the left rear engine mount in that mine has about an inch gap from the spacer on the bolt and the engine case.

I had searched the manual, the factory parts microfisch, even e-bay items for sale and the engine mounting looked to be what I have on hand. Although the right and left are drawn differently, they both are listed as #3 on the microfisch, must be the same part, and that is what I have...

After seeing member
Manual has the same '81 year "C" model as this bike and his is in unmolested original condition. I requested a pic of his hoping to see what I am missing. Sure enough, he was able to help and supplied a picture of exactly what I was looking at... there it was, big as life... another spacer (or what I thought was a spacer)

More research...No where in the fisch titles could I find referance to the engine case cover for the front sprocket that is on the left side. I read the manual on engine removal hoping to find detail on this mystery "spacer" then I saw this pic of the front sprocket...

Knowing I have had a bolt loosly threaded into a hole since the day I got it that did
not seem to hold the cover in place. Then it dawned on me! Now, where is that piece in the microfisch. Not pictured with the front sprocket, I resorted to opening each microfisch one at a time, regaurdless of it's title... when I got to "OIL PUMP" there it was, listed as #10 factory part #
11615-445-000 case protector 
So I started searching the shop, picking up along the way, looking through each remaing box, cleaning off the work benches of assorted parts, tools, and shop towels, and cleaners... (huh, somehow I got two cans of Mothers polish)
But no avail. Apparently to P.O. did not box
that piece up. Kind of like a lot of the bits such as the headlamp trim ring or the inner drives to the Tach and Speedo cables

Oh well, mystery solved, a $20 "Buy It Now" on e-bay and I'll have it by the end of the week.
AND I got a clean shop! Thanks all to
Manual coming to my aid in my time of need.
81 Honda CB750C - Current Project
67 BSA Spitfire MkIII - Next Up (Full Resto)
81 Honda GL1100 - Bob / Cafe´
80 Suzuki GS750L - Bratstyle
72 Honda CB450K5 - Basket Case
73 Honda CB350F Cafe' (Gone but not forgotten)
Don't wait for opportunity to knock... kick the door down and drag the old harlot in!