It's gotta be the carbs bud, valve cover gasket wouldn't cause a vacuum leak or every older vehicle on this planet would run like shit, lol. The carbs are really the only thing you have messed with, have you tried pulling the plugs out again and seeing what color they are? Can you get someone to give you a hand with the bike for a minute? Someone to hit the gas when it's going to die? Turn the idle up if it seems to run better with the choke on and just have someone rev it up for you to keep it running, then test for vacuum leaks. If you find none, next step I would take would be to pull those spark plugs again and see what color they are so you can get an idea of what way the bike is running (lean or rich).

Have you checked your float levels at all? Might be starving the bike for fuel if you have the floats set too low.
Also, have you washed the bike at all lately? Like since you have taken the carbs off the bike? I have had this problem and have seen others make the same mistake, if you wash the bike and you get water in the ignition it will make the bike run like shit if it will even run at all, so you could always put the bike on the center stand (if it's on the side stand your oil will run out of the bike) and pull the left-hand side cover off the motor and check for foamy oil. if there is some, change the oil and take a towel and some electrical cleaner to the unit and get it nice and dry.
There are no shops in your area that will at least check out and sync your carbs properly for you? I mean it's not like those bike mechanics have never seen a set of carbs on a bike before, jesus....
Also, Tools has suggested many times to check the idle jets and make sure they are not plugged, they are easy to plug up and if you can't see through they they are plugged. Think they said a guitar string works well for cleaning those.
Trying to help tho, I really think it's the carbs man.