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Got my forks filled and back on yesterday, btw a great tool to fill these forks is those little oil cans, mine was actually a 6 oz can I got from NAPA, had a super small nozzle on the end too and I was able to fill the forks from the drain screw hole, and considering my forks needed 6 oz this worked awesome for making sure I had even amounts of fluid in both forks. I then put 16 lbs of air pressure into the forks (was barely able to read it but there was a sticker on the stock handlebars stating the fork air pressure) and let me tell you what a world of difference this made. I rode the bike around the block on battery power alone, and man did it ride smooth, but made me notice my crappy chain more...
One question I had tho on the bike is because I was running it on battery alone, is it normal for it to only allow me to go to 5K rpms and then start skipping? Like does it need more than the 12 or so volts that the battery provides in order to go above 5K rpms? Was wondering because this is what the bike started doing when my battery died was going to die last time, and I am thinking that it is now doing it this time because I am running without the charging system hooked up. Am I correct or is there something else wrong I should check in to?
Not sure of your build history, but I wouldn't do much else until you get your charging system sorted out.
It makes a world of difference in the way your bike runs.
Also, I'd hate to see you kill your new battery by constantly deep-cycling it
Low battery voltage could very well cause weak ignition,especially at upper rpms.
I would also heed 1/2 caf's advice.Battry's ain't cheap.
No they aren't, but I'm on the good side of Autozone's employees (and manager) so I can always just swap it again  But I would rather not. When I run the bike in the garage I keep it attached to the charger and it seems fine, so I am assuming that's what the problem is.
I am pretty sure I solved my front brake problem, couldn't get it to pump up all the way for the life of me, so for shits and giggles I swapped out the new lever for the old one and bam, can't squeeze the lever down to the grip without using 2 hands and brakes hold like a champ! Who would've thunk a lever would make such a difference? Only reason I changed the old lever is cause the knob on the end was broken off and looks like crap, but better safe than pretty.
Now I am also blowing bulbs in the rpm gauge, and the oil light has now decided to chime in and blow as well. I am assuming these bulbs all run in series because 1 wouldn't light without the other, anyone got a clue where to start troubleshooting?
Ok, so Bulbs are fine now, was weird how they all started blowing, but whatever. Put new reg/rect on yesterday, and it seems like I cannot win with this bike, it didn't charge much, would bring the voltage up a little bit when I revved it up but not enough to really even speak of..... but the reg/rect got hot and started to smoke a little so I shut it off. I am frustrated as all hell with it, am not sure if maybe the problem is in the wires after the reg/rect. I haven't traced the wires to see where they go afterwards, but am thinking they go into the plug on the starter solenoid. Will a bad solenoid cause me problems with this? I am at my wits end....
Man,I wish I could help you on this,but I am clueless when it comes to charging systems. Luckily,I haven't had to fool with mine yet,so I am completely uneducated on them.
If your r/r is getting hot you might want to call the guy you got it from.Not that I think it is bad or faulty,but because he might know what to tell you to check.I imagine he is pretty knowledgeable on those sorts of things.Good luck with it bud.
Yeah, hoping the guy would know but also don't wanna fess up to him that I might have ruined his new part, lol, cause I am sure that would mean I would have to pay for it. Idk, fed up with it for now so am gonna have to step away from it for a few days cause I can't take the stress its causing me... plus I'm too broke for it...
I know the feeling bud,you are not alone in this. It'll come together in due time. In the meantime just keep asking until you find the right person.
Hey bud, did you ever get your bulb blowing issue sorted out?
Yes I did, sorry haven't posted in forever, haven't made too much progress on the bike until today. Bulbs kept blowing because I had my battery charger on the starter power cable coming off from the relay instead of on the battery side...
Today my cousin Ryan came over with his new Harley he got and got me all down again that I couldn't go riding with him, so I slapped the bike back together and charged battery up and ran it over to my grandfather's determined that he would be the man to find out what the hell is wrong.
Guess what it was? Apparently since the last time I had tested the rotor it had decided to just randomly go bad and apparently has a short in it as both slip rings to the center bolt were reading around 300 ohms (shouldn't be any ohms present) and between slip rings we were getting only .9-1 ohm, so it failed misserably whereas the stator and regulator rectifier tested to be in good shape. So of course the most expensive part of the charging system is what broke, damnit  So question about the aftermarket rotors, since they are a lot cheaper than the oem rotors and the oem rotors seem to suck anyways, does anyone know if they are any good?
And if they aren't, how bad is it to have the rotor rewound? I know half-calf had a problem with his but I also know his was working up until he laid his bike down.
Anyways I am still broke so it will be a while before I can fix it, but hopefully this time I know what the problem is so I know I can fix it, hopefully....
I came here looking for a pic of your bike with those glasspacks.
Haven't heard anything about your bike for a while, how's it goin?
The glasspack is on page 3, have a video of it. can get you a side shot pic of it if you want.
Bike is on hold for now unfortunately, I have been super broke and cannot afford to change the charging rotor out as that is what is causing my charging system issues right now. I have just recently picked up a second job so I hope to soon be able to get back on this thing asap!
HB I know, you are pretty artistic, how are, you at designing things on the computer?
Life is not about the number of breaths, you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
I don't have an anger problem. I have an idiot problem. Hank Hill
Never confuse education for intelligence.
Happiness is a belt fed weapon.
I just can't imagine what could go wrong.
No fire? No explosions? So whats the point of your story?
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato
It couldn't be done, but the darn fool didn't know it, and did it anyway.
We all got problems. Ksharp
I like vintage bikes because they take me away from the clutter of technology that I work with everyday and back to a simpler time of mechanical elegance and simplicity.. "ninadm"
Darkwing Duck: The worst part of public transportation is the Public.
"That is awesome shit there" Re-Run
"Fear nothing, attack everything" Eric Berry
" Oh, you read that on the internet? Clearly it IS a massive problem. Of course it CAN’t be normal operation."
1976 CB 750-A X 2
1977 CB 750-A X 4
1977 CB 750-K
1976 CB 750 F
1981 CB 750
1966 Kawasaki SG 250
1981 KZ 750 LTD
1973 CB 350
1979 CM 185 Twinstar
1982 Honda XL 80
South of Eden (Kansas City MO)
Are you talking web design or like paintshop type of designing? It has been a while since I have done either one, but I can pick it back up pretty quickly. What do you need done boss? Can PM me if you need to, can give you my number if you pm me too if that makes it easier for you.
  Here are those pics as promised, I went with a 2" in and outlet 24" thrush glasspack because I wanted to tone the noise level down so that I don't get pulled over, but am sure you could get away with a shorter one, especially if you weld a washer to the end of it or put some sort of baffle in the bike. Only cost me $20, and this thing is heavy duty.
Nice. I saw that video and it sounds pretty sweet, too
Yeah, video really doesn't do the sound justice, especially since I used my phone camera. Gotta hear it for yourself! I figured shit, $20 and if I don't like it I can return it? And I liked it
The Cherry Bomb is awesome. Soundsincredibly great and if you were to paint the header and cherry bomb all black it would look like a fancy exhaust. Nice !
I've got q couple purple Hornies  that were spos to put on El Camino but got muffs.Plan to cut different length to see how sounds,  On my bike has a cheapo hardware tractor muff(when bought) I cut down ,flipped the end inside and had welded.Lil to quite for me.Thinking drilling holes.
Thats what ya do right HalfCalf ?
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
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