Got the motor, drove couple hours this morning to get it and bring it back, only to find out thing is full of water, even got water in the right side of the case where the rotor was.
Rotor read ~2 ohms slip ring to slip ring, and 5.49 ohms from both slip rings to any ground on the case, which I don't understand why both rings read the same exact resistance to a ground, but none the less there is supposed to be infinite resistance to ground, so basically this rotor is no good.
My grandfather told me not to rule it out til I try it, so we found a bolt that threads into the rotor and placed a nut behind the bolt and presto, free rotor removal tool, lol.
Anywho put it on my bike and it still doesn't charge, so it looks like I'm gonna have to go through the thing again and make sure everything else is still ok.
Grandpa says to try the stator from the junk motor and see if it works then, but the wires have been sliced due to the rough removal and transportation of this thing, so I would have to run new wires for the stator to even try it, and I feel like that rotor is no good and it's not even worth my time...
I'm pretty sure this bike hates me, and of course I was sure as shit this motor was my solution so I spent a crapload more on a new sub and some other equipment for my car, so now I'm broke again...
And to top it all off I backed into a trailer my grandfather was working on for some guy, trailer sits like a foot off the ground and backing up in a cobalt is a bitch cause the ass end sits up so high you can't see anything behind you unless it's like 5 foot off the ground...