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The biggest "redneck" I know is a racing buddy of mine.He is from the Catskill's and makes me feel like a city slicker.
Hellbilly429 wrote
doesn't mean I can't hunt and fish and have camo, flames and skulls on everything I own.
...and dryer vent hood scoops  I still get a chuckle picturing that one!
Haha, funniest thing was that night I put the hoodscoop on I was parked on the side of the street in front of my mother's car, and some asshole in an F250 fell asleep at the wheel and plowed my mom's car into mine, totalled both cars. Cops liked my car tho, so did the insurance guy that evaluated the value of my car
Just got my new superbike handlebars from shiny today! Thanks again man, pm'ed you btw too. Hoping to really get some work done on the bike this weekend and have it back on the road, hoping and praisin' Jebus!
Yep, so no damn work has gotten done on the bike! Waiting on my dad for my forks, and still waiting on my cousin to do the turn signal mounts and handlebar grip bushing, but in the meantime I been keeping busy with the dirtbike and with helping my mom paint her place that her renters moved out of. Got the seat pan cleaned up for the dirtbike, and redid the fabric and the foam, waiting for seatpan's paint to dry then will slap it all back together.
Also got an airbrush from my dad, finally got to use it today, I bought some cheap acrylic paint from Joan's fabric, didn't realise you have to dilute it with water, not paint thinner. So will hopefully get some skills built up with airbrush and should have some cool things in store for the bike
Just got a call from my dad, he said he got the new seals in the forks but doesn't know how much oil to add because these forks are totally different than the ones in the Clymers manual and the FSM, and they seem to be forks that I can put air into, which is great but now we're not sure how much oil to put into these forks, let alone the amount of air pressure. I don't know if anybody knows if maybe some of the 81's came with air forks? Or are these aftermarket? and any clue how much of oil and of air to put into these things?
Some stockers had the air forks on them. I think the air pressure is used to fine tune the rebound to your liking.You dont hafta run air in them. 5-7 oz of oil should do you on the oil. The oil is in there for dampening reasons,not lubrication so much.I'd rather be a little low on oil than high.Too much oil and you will run out of room in the fork at cull compression and you could push out a seal. I put 7 oz in mine. When I put the progressive springs in the coils were much tighter wound together than the stock springs. I was afraid that might displace some oil and cause clearance issues so I drained my forks and put it 6 oz.So far so good. Main thing is to have the oil level dead even between the two sides.
Cool, thanks shiny, I'm going to go pick them up now. The manual said 5.8-6 oz, so I will give that range a shot then if you think 5-7 is ok. Am starting to think your my only reader on my build, lol, maybe I should shutup about other nonsense and write strictly about the build...
We are watching.
On May 15, 2012 5:05 PM, "Hellbilly429 [via Honda CB750'S]" < [hidden email]> wrote:
Cool, thanks shiny, I'm going to go pick them up now. The manual said 5.8-6 oz, so I will give that range a shot then if you think 5-7 is ok. Am starting to think your my only reader on my build, lol, maybe I should shutup about other nonsense and write strictly about the build...
American by birth. Cowboy by choice!
Vero Beach, FL
Hellbilly429 wrote
The manual said 5.8-6 oz
Am starting to think your my only reader on my build...
If the manual say that then I'd shoot for 6...we're all watching man...  ...but i'm officially subscribed.Waiting on the newsletter...
Many of us read ,myself why add to confusion unless there something not said
What your adding from were you read is the amount for a drain and fill
for a dry fill could be a couple oz diff.
I putt 1/2 more (dry 7 + 1/2)then recommended due to hard front braking with load,Just my rule of thumb cause how
I ride...................................HARD
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
I also have an 81' CB 750 K. I love it, however, I have had a lot of carb issues. I believe it has quite a bit to do with the pod filters that came on the bike. I do like them and was going to instal them if they didn't already come installed, but after doing some reading, it seems that the DOHC bikes run best with the factory airbox because it creates a natural vacuum.
Do you have pods on your bike? I just rebuilt and cleaned the carbs from scratch. Fun project but it's taking me some time to get the idle set right, idling SUPER high when I come to a stop at a light or whatever.
Anyway, glad to see someone else with the same bike. I'm planning on replacing my fork seals and gaskets soon. How did that go for you?
Good to know I'm bein watched, now I'm paranoid, jk.
Shiny, the newsletter would be on it's way but due to the name of it I am sure the post office would remove my mail because they would believe I am running some satanic cult out of the sticks.
Piute I also ride hard, but sometimes it wears down and breaks what I'm riding  Wadestew, I would say that from everything I have heard and dealt with myself that these carbs are finicky as all hell and don't like anything that's different, so I am sure that the pods are what is causing your problems, but according to lincolnhighway on his '81 750 leafspring bobber, he managed to get the pods to work on his stock carbs with no issues, but he is running 140 or 145 main jets I believe. Just mess around with it, and let me know if you figure out what the secret is to making these work cause I wanna do it someday! lol. Fork seals went well, got a set of all balls in there, haven't filled the forks yet cause I wanted to make sure my forks didn't take a different amount of fluid because they are different than what's in the manuals.
So yesterday I went to fire the bike up, but the starter made a humming noise and then stopped, and it drew a lot down on my battery and made my lights dim a lot, so I don't know what's now wrong with the bike, if the starter is bad, or if I blew a fuse (if there is one near the starter under the cover) or if I killed my $100 battery... Very frustrated with it!
HAHA! good point on the newsletter.Maybe I'll just sub to the email version.
These little batteries suck.I've been fighting them for years on 4 wheelers. If I ride my bike everyday,it's fine. If it sits for a week (i hate when that happens) I have to kick start it. Once its going it recharges and is good to go. You gotta have a battery tender if it sits at all.At least for me. But I just got a cheap lead-acid battery. If you dont have a battery tender get on from Horrible Freight. Mine is about 7 or 8 years old and has been used pretty much daily. Still works good and I think they're under $20. Lifesaver and a battery saver. But you know what? Lawn mower batteries seem to last forever. If they weren't so dang big and heavy I'd run one. They're cheaper,too! At one time I mounted a marine battery on the front of my Kingquad. Lasted for years. Came down hard from a wheelie,though.
Yeah, well this was a $100 glassmat battery that I did have on a battery tender running 2amps to it while it sat, and I had started it the day before to run it because I try to start it and run it for a while whenever I can to keep things from sitting too long. But it just wouldn't turn the starter and then it just shit out, even ran my charger on starting mode and wouldn't do it, so I am thinking something is wrong with the starter, but I haven't had the time or the heart (or wallet) to even look into what's wrong with it now. I just bought a new regulator/rectifier from oregonmotorcycleparts.com so that I could fix that problem, and I emailed the company that I returned my old r/r to and they said "due to the condition it was returned in they have to look into further", which is bs cause I only had it on for a month, and in that month it may have been actually ridden for total of an hour or 2....
On the bright side I just accepted a new job today, it's at a different bank but it pays better and has a lot better benefits, plus it's a credit union so it's not a sales oriented bank, so that means less stress for me, and more pay! But I have surgery on the 4th of June and have that week off, so it's gonna be fun putting a 2 weeks notice in tomorrow and trying to figure out if I will get paid for that week or not!
You're not old enough for surgery ,man! Best wishes on your operation and Congrats on the new job!
What kind of charger. I have a one that says to not charge a glass mat batt with it. You may want to look at that.
On May 17, 2012 6:56 PM, "Hellbilly429 [via Honda CB750'S]" < [hidden email]> wrote:
Yeah, well this was a $100 glassmat battery that I did have on a battery tender running 2amps to it while it sat, and I had started it the day before to run it because I try to start it and run it for a while whenever I can to keep things from sitting too long. But it just wouldn't turn the starter and then it just shit out, even ran my charger on starting mode and wouldn't do it, so I am thinking something is wrong with the starter, but I haven't had the time or the heart (or wallet) to even look into what's wrong with it now. I just bought a new regulator/rectifier from oregonmotorcycleparts.com so that I could fix that problem, and I emailed the company that I returned my old r/r to and they said "due to the condition it was returned in they have to look into further", which is bs cause I only had it on for a month, and in that month it may have been actually ridden for total of an hour or 2....
On the bright side I just accepted a new job today, it's at a different bank but it pays better and has a lot better benefits, plus it's a credit union so it's not a sales oriented bank, so that means less stress for me, and more pay! But I have surgery on the 4th of June and have that week off, so it's gonna be fun putting a 2 weeks notice in tomorrow and trying to figure out if I will get paid for that week or not!
American by birth. Cowboy by choice!
Vero Beach, FL
Thanks ribs, and the surgery isn't anything major, just will be a pain in my ass, litteraly, I have a pilonidal cyst near my tailbone, very common among hairy people, lol.
And my charger is more than likely too old to say anything about staying away from glassmat batteries, so maybe I shouldn't have used it? I just figured a battery is a battery, and that it was just nice to have one that will last longer and not have fluid in it to worry about. I will have to look at it and see what it says...
Ooh,a butt cyst. Yep,Pops had one of those. Dude,hold your nose!You DO NOT wanna get a whiff of that thing when they lance it open*gag-cough-gag*...i can remember that smell from 20 years ago. And that was after he cam home. Brutal man,just brutal. lol hairy people...tmi bro! you just gave a mental image that I really dont appreciate
Ha, oh well man, you know me, too honest for my own good. So good news is I am now sure my battery is just deader than a doornail so if I get it swapped out (since it has a warranty and i bought it from autozone) I should be fine, hoping and praying!
In the meantime I found a rat's nest in my riding mower shroud, bad news is I mowed with it in there last week and it must've overheated the motor and made it burn oil. I cleaned the motor off and killed the mice, then put it all together and started it, and was messing with the fast idle and it went bang! I broke the rod in the motor, so I blew it up! Been an eventfull day to say the least
Haha, got a new battery in the bike and it lives again! Just got done push mowing most of my lawn, think I have another acre to go. Prob wouldnt be too bad if the gras wasnt over my knees....
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