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Since it took so much time to get here...I got an appropriate key fob....
Mark Davis
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
amateur photographer, hot rodder, motorcyclist, adventurer
"Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul."
Good deal! Wheelies are always fun!!! I'm glad you finally got it.
The creeping idle with the warmer engine seems to be sorta typical,best I can tell. Mine idles at about 11-1200 cold and will creep up to around 14-1500 when full hot.
I have been fighting front brake squeal forever. The squeal you describe,adjust your front brake so that the inside/dead pad is not touching the rotor. Put it very close so as not to have a dead zone in the brakes. I adjust mine to where when you look down the side of the rotor you can just barely see light between the pad and the rotor.I never measured it but I would guess about .015-.020'' is what has been working for me. I cannot stand break squeal
Ya-no what Paul did to my brakes while adjusting ,O.K. what I noticed when he was done lever was /didn't grab till twards the end of pull ,didn't go all the way but thought was strange not being right there tight,same for the rear,didn't take much to get used to but my brakes never made noise,and they look like there touching disc.he said thats O.K.(but thats how he did it).Front have (dual)new pads on 1 and best old on other,back all new.
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
When I went to charge the battery, I noticed it was already an AGM. :) One less thing to buy. :)
Mark Davis
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
amateur photographer, hot rodder, motorcyclist, adventurer
"Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul."
Dr. Who  I love it!  Where did, you get it?
Life is not about the number of breaths, you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
I don't have an anger problem. I have an idiot problem. Hank Hill
Never confuse education for intelligence.
Happiness is a belt fed weapon.
I just can't imagine what could go wrong.
No fire? No explosions? So whats the point of your story?
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato
It couldn't be done, but the darn fool didn't know it, and did it anyway.
We all got problems. Ksharp
I like vintage bikes because they take me away from the clutter of technology that I work with everyday and back to a simpler time of mechanical elegance and simplicity.. "ninadm"
Darkwing Duck: The worst part of public transportation is the Public.
"That is awesome shit there" Re-Run
"Fear nothing, attack everything" Eric Berry
" Oh, you read that on the internet? Clearly it IS a massive problem. Of course it CAN’t be normal operation."
1976 CB 750-A X 2
1977 CB 750-A X 4
1977 CB 750-K
1976 CB 750 F
1981 CB 750
1966 Kawasaki SG 250
1981 KZ 750 LTD
1973 CB 350
1979 CM 185 Twinstar
1982 Honda XL 80
South of Eden (Kansas City MO)
I hate to intrude,but ya'll gotta fill me in on the Doctor Who thing.
You best catch up  were ya been  "O" had yo nose digging ih the FSM  (good job by the way)..Doc.   good ? think ya can find him
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
You're kidding, right? Dr Who, in the Guiness Book Of World Records as the longest running sci-fi series in the world, first aired on the BBC in 1963, that's 3 years before Star Trek!
Mark Davis
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
amateur photographer, hot rodder, motorcyclist, adventurer
"Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul."
Star Trek RULE's  Followed by Star Trek: The Animated Series
Related shows Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,
Star Trek: Voyager,
Star Trek: Enterprise
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
IN yer dreams! Captain Kirk had a thing for 30-something green alien women, while Dr Who seems to like young, hip, hot women. Point goes to Dr Who. (though admittedly, Star Trek is a good show. LOL)
Mark Davis
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
amateur photographer, hot rodder, motorcyclist, adventurer
"Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul."
I stoped watching reg T.V. programs and talk sht shows over 10 yrs ago,and started living life instead of watching others so called do it.Watched a voyager flick on nexflix the other day though.,But truthfully never watched that Dr.  who was his name again..
Weres my 10mm,
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
Sorry Mark,I wasn't kidding  Let's see,it ran from '63-'89. I was born in '80 so me being only 9 years old when it went off,yep , it was before my time.  Actually when I was 9 we didnt even own a TV at that point. When we first got a TV ( i was probably 11 or 12)we actually had two of them.One sat on top of the other.The one on top had sound only,the one on the bottom had picture only.Me being the youngest I got the honor of flipping a lot of knobs when the old man wanted to change channels  I'm kinda like Piute,I gave up on TV a while back. But I can always make time to catch a Rosario Dawson film  That woman just kills me  ...ok,back on topic...
Actually, it didn't just run from '63 to '89....it's STILL running. There was just a new season on! lol
(I'm one season behind because I'm watching them on Netflix.) I don't have cable, satellite, DSL, or antenna TV hooked up....just internet.
Mark Davis
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
amateur photographer, hot rodder, motorcyclist, adventurer
"Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul."
Yeah,I saw that on the Wiki. '63 to current!Wow!...i guess that makes me 49 seasons behind  Did you read in the Wiki how they recorded the intro music?Pretty cool. Oh,and the Dr Who meets metal makes alot more sense now!
+1...and what about the Dr's daughter?
Mark Davis
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
amateur photographer, hot rodder, motorcyclist, adventurer
"Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul."
I wonder when she is going to appear again. However Emily Pond is pretty hot!!!  TOOLS
Life is not about the number of breaths, you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
I don't have an anger problem. I have an idiot problem. Hank Hill
Never confuse education for intelligence.
Happiness is a belt fed weapon.
I just can't imagine what could go wrong.
No fire? No explosions? So whats the point of your story?
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato
It couldn't be done, but the darn fool didn't know it, and did it anyway.
We all got problems. Ksharp
I like vintage bikes because they take me away from the clutter of technology that I work with everyday and back to a simpler time of mechanical elegance and simplicity.. "ninadm"
Darkwing Duck: The worst part of public transportation is the Public.
"That is awesome shit there" Re-Run
"Fear nothing, attack everything" Eric Berry
" Oh, you read that on the internet? Clearly it IS a massive problem. Of course it CAN’t be normal operation."
1976 CB 750-A X 2
1977 CB 750-A X 4
1977 CB 750-K
1976 CB 750 F
1981 CB 750
1966 Kawasaki SG 250
1981 KZ 750 LTD
1973 CB 350
1979 CM 185 Twinstar
1982 Honda XL 80
South of Eden (Kansas City MO)
I wonder if I just found the source of my idle tuning problem....the exhaust on my bike is obviously not factory 4 into 1 set up and I noticed the baffle was starting to come loose and may fall out, so I went looking for a new muffler. When I measured the pipe this thing is clamped onto, it's a massive 2 ½" o.d. pipe! Maybe these pipes on my bike are a much freer flowing set and my carbs maybe should have had some jet changes when they were put on! Most of the replacement mufflers I see are for 1 ½ to 1 ¾ pipes. What do you think?
Oh and I don't see many with the rear hangar tab welded on already....is there a good brand to get that has them? I saw a dunstall style reverse cone muffler from Dime City cycles that has it, but the inlet is smaller so it's obviously for a 4 into 2 or 4 into 4 set up.
Mark Davis
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
amateur photographer, hot rodder, motorcyclist, adventurer
"Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul."
That makes sense really. I know the pipe on mine is 2 1/2'' just like yours. I cant remember,are you running the air box? When mine was (stoopid) lean it still idled ok,though. Not trying to throw you off,just saying.
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