Oh, I almost forgot.....
Going in to town to buy fuel line and see a cop and a dude pushing a late model jeep up a very busy four lane divided highway. So I whip in front of them and say " hey, I gotta chain. I can pull you ( about 1,500 feet) to that church parking lot up there. "

Cop says " you can't park there, we need to get this vehicle off the highway "


Me: " I know, I gotta chain... blah blah blah "
Lady in the jeep looks at the cop. " is that legal? What would you do? "
Cop: " I cant tell you "no", it's your vehicle. But I cant tell you it's illegal, either. " Then he starts in about how I'll probably scratch her tow hooks, im not an insured towing company, if I tear up her vehicle she will have a hard time holding me liable for damages....
Random nice guy that stopped to help push: " are you f***g kidding me?!"

So, I say ''good luck" and start to walk off as me and Random Nice Guy exchange looks of wonderment and laughs.
Cop : " where do you two think you are going? We need to get this vehicle off the highway! "

Me: " im going wherever I want to go. I TRIED to help move that vehicle off the highway. I dont NEED to do anything! Good luck "
Random nice guy : " get real..."
The world is getting dumber everyday....