10 days . . . and counting.
mini ride today with trunk and side bags, kinda loaded. survived. actually, felt no difference in the ride. we'll see when I actually get on the road.
10 days, sees. is it coffee or supper . . . or camping?
"The thing about quotes on the Internet is you cannot confirm their validity" - Abraham Lincoln
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." - Winston S. Churchill
Most motorcyclists live more in five minutes than other people do in their entire lives.
when you mix religion with politics you get politics
people say I'm condescending (that means I talk down to people)
Ha, camping mid week is not a possibility for me.
What time will you be coming by? If its dinner it will have to be early because it's a weekday and I have to work around my 3 year Olds bedtime. I know, very hard core biker of me.
1981 CB750K with 900 cams
90K KM's, rebuilt head, rebuilt carbs, upgraded valve stem seals
My wife's recipe website that I'm trying to help promote: Strawberries for supper. Yes, I am a lucky man.
my 1 and 2 year old granddaughters [ya, I'm a geezer -- TOOLS was surprised] just moved out [they had moved in with us (their mother too) -- long story -- in mid-March] so I know about bed times!
leaving home somewhere between 8 and 9 so KW 4ish I imagine [no idea but I'm not rushing]. I'll coffee and journal until you are ready. just gotta make sure I get a pic of the bikes together.
"The thing about quotes on the Internet is you cannot confirm their validity" - Abraham Lincoln
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." - Winston S. Churchill
Most motorcyclists live more in five minutes than other people do in their entire lives.
when you mix religion with politics you get politics
people say I'm condescending (that means I talk down to people)
packing . . . stuff's heavier than I thought it would be [laptop]
"The thing about quotes on the Internet is you cannot confirm their validity" - Abraham Lincoln
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." - Winston S. Churchill
Most motorcyclists live more in five minutes than other people do in their entire lives.
when you mix religion with politics you get politics
people say I'm condescending (that means I talk down to people)
Oh man, it's gotta be exciting. When do you leave again? Wednesday?
I don't have that IM client, but send me a text or call or e-mail when you have an ETA, and we'll meet up. If I can borrow my friend's bike, I'll meet you somewhere and we can ride together.
See you Thursday!
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?
 Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
to text I need a phone number, other than that you've got it.
leave Wednesday morning. with seestheday that night for coffee/meal.
gettin' pumped.
"The thing about quotes on the Internet is you cannot confirm their validity" - Abraham Lincoln
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." - Winston S. Churchill
Most motorcyclists live more in five minutes than other people do in their entire lives.
when you mix religion with politics you get politics
people say I'm condescending (that means I talk down to people)
I'm going to talk to my friend, and we'll get there!
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?
 Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
starting mileage:
"The thing about quotes on the Internet is you cannot confirm their validity" - Abraham Lincoln
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." - Winston S. Churchill
Most motorcyclists live more in five minutes than other people do in their entire lives.
when you mix religion with politics you get politics
people say I'm condescending (that means I talk down to people)
 Yay, I get to watch this time!
Since you're coming from Canada, and I want to cross into Canada, what do you say we meet somewhere in Canada and ride together back? I'm picking up a 1300 (Goldwing? I don't even know!) tomorrow from a friend at work so I'll have my own 2 wheels as well. Otherwise, we can meet wherever you want to and decide from there!
Can't wait to see the 'ol beaut!
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?
 Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
works for me. probably somewhere in Sarnia -- I should be there noonish Thursday, depending when I leave my overnight. I'll text when I leave.
it's a shorter ride to you than I thought.
"The thing about quotes on the Internet is you cannot confirm their validity" - Abraham Lincoln
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." - Winston S. Churchill
Most motorcyclists live more in five minutes than other people do in their entire lives.
when you mix religion with politics you get politics
people say I'm condescending (that means I talk down to people)
Exciting, you're leaving today!Â
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?
 Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
Lessons from the road, day one:
1. ear plugs rock! got some molded plugs -- man do they work well! dulls the motor noise [sadly]; ends most of the wind whistle! and on that note,
2. wind bites! 'twas a cold windy ride today, and the cross wind pushed me back and forth all morning. I did not like it.
3. my comfort zone is 5500 rpm. didn't matter what gear I was in, I seemed to stay set at that figure.
4. didn't take long for me to go off the beaten track. not intentionally: google maps and my GPS called a road by a different name and I missed the turnoff; wound up on a hilly twisty I didn't know existed!
5. the guys on this site rock! no surprise, I know. supper with seestheday [and it was gooood]; then trading bike stories . . . and bike parts! I'm jealous because he has a garage that he can store his bike and assorted parts in. I fight for space for a spare litre of oil in amongst all of here "stuff". anyway, I have a lead on a speedo and a stock seat -- improves the look of the bike. installed after the pics
looking forward to meeting up with cda tomorrow. between noon and 1 somewhere in Sarnia. first one to find a good coffee shop texts the other.
pics from today:
me and fredly
 me and sees
"The thing about quotes on the Internet is you cannot confirm their validity" - Abraham Lincoln
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." - Winston S. Churchill
Most motorcyclists live more in five minutes than other people do in their entire lives.
when you mix religion with politics you get politics
people say I'm condescending (that means I talk down to people)
Oh I love a good challenge.
Okay, if meeting you around 12, 1 pm, then I'm going to leave here between 10 and 11 am - Google says it's a 1.75 hours to get there. Probably leaving closer to 11 am, so enjoy the ride.
As for a place to meet for coffee, Canadians swear by their Tim Horton's but we have those here. So I found this place:
http://www.coffeeculturecafe.com/index-3.html130 Lochiel Street
Sarnia, ON N7T 4C1, Canada
+1 519-336-0429
They have an awesome rating on Google Maps. So that'll give us a general place to go. Plus they have lunch, so if you're hungry after riding we can get a bite to eat.
See you in a few hours!
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?
 Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
when I was whining - I mean complaining - about the wind noise I meant to say that I shoulda taken the windjammer from TOOLS!
"The thing about quotes on the Internet is you cannot confirm their validity" - Abraham Lincoln
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." - Winston S. Churchill
Most motorcyclists live more in five minutes than other people do in their entire lives.
when you mix religion with politics you get politics
people say I'm condescending (that means I talk down to people)
It was great seeing you yesterday.
I hope you enjoy that seat. Now I won't feel guilty for cutting up a near mint stock seat.
Regarding our insurance discussion, give Des Jardin and jevco/intact a call. Those seem to have the best Ontario rates. Still robbery compared to the states or other provinces, but the best of the bunch for us.
1981 CB750K with 900 cams
90K KM's, rebuilt head, rebuilt carbs, upgraded valve stem seals
My wife's recipe website that I'm trying to help promote: Strawberries for supper. Yes, I am a lucky man.
It was officially good seeing you yesterday, and I hope the ride to Indianapolis is as eventful as the ride from Canada.
Make sure to off-handedly tell the Canadian border patrol in N.D. that the guy you stayed with in MI isn't a serial killer after all...
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?
 Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
here in Indy and alive. Sees, the seat isn't as padded as the one I left behind but sure improves the looks of the bike! thanks again.
off the beaten track again. think I was on the road I was supposed to be on and wound up passing Adventure Motorcycles. thought "I shoulda stopped" . . . then thought "why not?" turned around and voila!
"The thing about quotes on the Internet is you cannot confirm their validity" - Abraham Lincoln
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." - Winston S. Churchill
Most motorcyclists live more in five minutes than other people do in their entire lives.
when you mix religion with politics you get politics
people say I'm condescending (that means I talk down to people)
oh, and by the way, cda is cool
"The thing about quotes on the Internet is you cannot confirm their validity" - Abraham Lincoln
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." - Winston S. Churchill
Most motorcyclists live more in five minutes than other people do in their entire lives.
when you mix religion with politics you get politics
people say I'm condescending (that means I talk down to people)
Back on the road again: just landed in Sabula Iowa [I think that 's the State]. Tomorrow up the mighty Mississip.
"The thing about quotes on the Internet is you cannot confirm their validity" - Abraham Lincoln
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." - Winston S. Churchill
Most motorcyclists live more in five minutes than other people do in their entire lives.
when you mix religion with politics you get politics
people say I'm condescending (that means I talk down to people)
a few more rambling assorted thoughts from today . . .
actually had to use the reserve tank at 278 km / 172 miles. "filled to the top", 3.88 G. if it actually has a 5 gallon / 20 ltr tank I had another 50 miles / 80KM. these are expressway miles going 120km/75 mph.
been stopped more than once to talk about the bike. about 15 minutes at one gas station before I could fill up. guy was hauling a HD and a Yamaha and went on about the shape the bike is in [yes, I know] and his desire to get one to cafe but can't find one.
I've given up trying to explain where I'm from and where I'm going. I just say "from north of Syracuse, riding to the west coast". I get a lot of "on that?"s. No problems so far. Going through a bit of oil but think it's being spit out somewhere due to the high speeds. Something to be aware of and work on.
my blog tonight will be titled something like "pay attention". when I decided to stop in Sabula/Savanna I read about Poppy's bar and tattoo parlour. I need to clean my glasses or something. The place is actually called Poopy's, and comes with all the potty humor you can handle . . . and maybe some you can't.
It's only a 4 1/2 hour day on the road tomorrow. must mean there's time for some exploring. Did some in this area today. I wonder if the river is always this high. Guess I'll find out when I ask tomorrow morning!
"The thing about quotes on the Internet is you cannot confirm their validity" - Abraham Lincoln
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." - Winston S. Churchill
Most motorcyclists live more in five minutes than other people do in their entire lives.
when you mix religion with politics you get politics
people say I'm condescending (that means I talk down to people)