Maybe if you listen real close you can hear it squirt?
I dunno,but I DO know you've jinxed me

My bike started doing this today. Sitting at a light and the idle just slowed down a little then died. Cranked right back up and then died again.I went through a couple traffic signals like this-having to use the throttle to maintain idle. But my power was completely unaffected. I just reached under the tank and cranked the idle speed up a bit and it was fine from there on. Later in the evening after it had cooled off it was idling too fast so I backed it back down to ''normal''. Weird. Never done this before. Almost seemed like some sort of vapor lock situation. I popped the cap of the fuel tank to check for a ''woosh'' but nothing,so it's not related to tank venting apparently.
But this particular instance happened to be at the point where my bike was the hottest it's ever been. I was tearing up some back roads pretty good but road work detoured me straight into city traffic. I didn't have my usual 2-3 miles of ''cool down'' period I usually give the bike before I jump back in to normal traffic.I've been noticing that ever since I put the stock airbox back on the bike has been running warmer. I dont have an oil temp gauge anymore,but I think I may put it back on there. I never remember the engine feeling this warm to the touch before. I cant even lay my hand on the stator or points cover.
Sorry for the long post,just trying to throw as much info as possible out there and see if something might relate to your issue. Even though I'm on a lowly SOHC,it sounds like the same thing.