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So, i know these engines are supposed to be a bit noisy from the clutch rattle, but how noisy should they be? Mines sort of concerning me. I've never had it running this long before though
1981 SS with Kerker 4-1 exhaust and extremely attractive rider.
Where is the noise coming from?
Could be a loose cam chain (potentially bad), clutch rattle, unsecured exhaust, carbs that aren't sync'd....
Mine purrs like a kitten at the 1,000 rpm idle after my rebuild. Zero rattles, just engine noise. Sent from my BlackBerry device
So, i know these engines are supposed to be a bit noisy from the clutch rattle, but how noisy should they be? Mines sort of concerning me. I've never had it running this long before though
1981 SS
1981 CB750K with 900 cams
90K KM's, rebuilt head, rebuilt carbs, upgraded valve stem seals
My wife's recipe website that I'm trying to help promote: Strawberries for supper. Yes, I am a lucky man.
Does the rattle lessen or go away when you pull the clutch lever in? If it is,then it's clutch rattle. You kinda have to really listen for the difference. Once you hear the difference you'll be able to spot it easily later. It takes a moment or two for the noise to change,and even then it just changes,it doesn't go away completely. That is, if clutch rattle is even what you're hearing.
Yup the noise doesn't go away but changes when I pull in the clutch. I already adjusted the cam chains and synced the carbs so it shouldn't be that. Guess I'll just have to get used to it! Thanks guys!
1981 SS with Kerker 4-1 exhaust and extremely attractive rider.
You could order that clutch basket kit from that guy in Holland. It apparently fixes clutch rattle and he seems to have a good reputation on the 1100f site.
He posted a link about it here in the buy and sell section. I am not endorsing it as I haven't tried it, just passing on info. My clutch is quiet so I don't have a need. Sent from my BlackBerry device
Yup the noise doesn't go away but changes when I pull in the clutch. I already adjusted the cam chains and synced the carbs so it shouldn't be that. Guess I'll just have to get used to it! Thanks guys!
1981 SS
1981 CB750K with 900 cams
90K KM's, rebuilt head, rebuilt carbs, upgraded valve stem seals
My wife's recipe website that I'm trying to help promote: Strawberries for supper. Yes, I am a lucky man.
Thanks sees. If I end up getting it ill let you guys know how it goes! What makes the clutch rattle anyways?
1981 SS with Kerker 4-1 exhaust and extremely attractive rider.
So my bike idles fine at around 1000 rpm, but when I go to give it some gas just recently its been bogging out and dying. Could it be partly my battery? Its fine once it gets into the 13-1500 rpm range, but at the lower it doesnt want to give me much kick. JUST started happening after i synced the carbs.
1981 SS with Kerker 4-1 exhaust and extremely attractive rider.
The rattle has to do with the clutch disks moving slightly inside the clutch basket. Look around YouTube for "cb750 clutch rattle" and you might find some appropriate videos to check out.
Stuff gets worn, tolerances increase, and stuff starts bumping/banging against other stuff. When you pull in the clutch, you disengage the basket from the crank, and things get quieter.
As long as the clutch seems to be working OK, you can learn to ignore it, or you can get that kit from our other user and pop it in. Looks like a pretty easy mod.
Luke M
Used to have a 1979 CB750L, sold it as a parts bike, now riding a slightly modified 1984 VT700C. Network/Field Engineer. Central OH, USA, Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe.
Picked up a full hondaline fairing today... does anyone know how to put this thing on??? I have some instructions, but the wiring is funky... I even got an 82 wiring loom with the deal and it doesnt have the right connectors on it... Anyone know?
1981 SS with Kerker 4-1 exhaust and extremely attractive rider.
Little late night photo shoot with the motorcycle  Almost there
 Just for you shiny! The infamous blue stripe
1981 SS with Kerker 4-1 exhaust and extremely attractive rider.
 Stripes!!!!Stripes always look good. Single,double...whatever,it just looks cool. Bike's looking good man! My DHOC Super Sport envy just got a little worse.
If anyone noticed i have a oil pan underneath the left side of my engine... thats because i have an oil leak from the timing cover. I got some gaskets that had honda logos on the outside of the bag, but they are just ever so slightly too small... does anyone have experience with these gaskets and can direct me to a good site? or maybe theres a trick to getting it in?
1981 SS with Kerker 4-1 exhaust and extremely attractive rider.
And if anyone could help me out here... My rear turn signals dont work... only the rear. the front work fine. I replaced the turn signal solenoid thingy with an electric one because the rear stopped working... Dunno what could be wrong really. AND! my brake light dims when i pull the front brake and does nothing when i press on the rear brake... My bikes butt is messed up  haha
1981 SS with Kerker 4-1 exhaust and extremely attractive rider.
For the turn signals, are the bulbs any good? Check wiring with a test light to verify it's all good as well.
For the timing gasket, no idea. I bought one that said Honda on the bag from a dealer, and it worked with no issue. Sorry!
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?
 Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
there are 2 bullet connectors under the seat bracket for the turn signals. Mine actually route right under tail light mounting bracket. Not sure how I've done it, but twice when I've had the seat off and on, I've managed to pull them apart.
They're definitely connected. Thats the weird part. I'm just not getting any voltage from them. I used a voltmeter to check and nothing... got something from the tail light, but that still doesn't really help... Is it a wiring thing? did something get disconnected somewhere else? its only the rear that dont work.
1981 SS with Kerker 4-1 exhaust and extremely attractive rider.
I was sure it would be those connectors. Looks like your going to have to head upstream until you find the dead spot.
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